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Software Development Tools

Fx -- Multi Language Debugger

Absoft Corporation

Fx is a screen-oriented, source-level debugger for C, FORTRAN, andassembly language. It has both an X Window System-based graphicalinterface and a full-screen character display. Unique features includemultiple dynamic windows, automatic execution of commands, and a powerfulexpression analyzer that recognizes source languages as they areencountered. It can display program variables in a variety of formats andmodify them while debugging, index arrays with expressions, and displaymultiple program elements with a single command. Breakpoints, variablemonitors, and single stepping at both the source and instruction levelprovide complete control over program execution. Special debuggingprocedures can be called at any time. Command logging and playbackfacilitate automation of the debugging process. Online help and completedocumentation are included.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Absoft Corporation
2781 Bond St
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Phone: (810) 853-0050
Fax: (810) 853-0108